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Cold plunge causing ACVD

Doesn’t adrenaline cause damage to the epithelium? Obviously cold plunges cause the real ease of adrenaline. Wouldn’t this have a direct causation to CVD?

Cold plunge causing ACVD

Adrenaline cause damage to the epithelium. Cold plunges release adrenaline in high amounts. Wouldn’t this cause CVD?

Is blueprint truly that extraordinary for longevity?

I know you might be reluctant to talk about Bryan Johnson's approach to health, but given his open investigation project having the reach in media he gets, I believe you should address this, your community is inclined to try things by themselves and I do not know anyone else that I'd trust more than you to get advice from on how to tackle this better than you. Please help me understand: Is this something I want to try? how would you put the ton of supplements he gets on an effort(cost)/reward matrix? PS: Huge fan, and have heard every episode despite not getting a ton of the more technical stuff, I am an engineer, not an MD, but at the same time forces me to study - which I love!

Grip Strength and Longevity

The correlation between grip strength and longevity is almost certainly not causal right? Given the massive disparity in grip strength between sexes and the Lancet study finding no correlation with fracture or injury from fall, I am surprised how much I hear about grip strength. It's easy to measure, but it seems like it's just a proxy for being generally fit.

Supplemets framework

What is Peter’s framework on supplements intake? When should one consider taking them?